Her Power || Yoga For BJJ Special || Ebook

A Yoga For BJJ Special for our female athletes,

I remember first time I realized that there were Jiu-Jitsu instructors who would take advantage of their positions of power.

I remember a good friend leaving her home gym and ending an abusive relationship with her instructor. 

I remember another girl who finally left her professor after feeling afraid and manipulated for years. 

I remember the way it felt to constantly be scared of upsetting my instructor.

I remember the day I realized that having a black belt does not make someone a good person.

I would like to believe that, for every scumbag, there are a multitude of wonderful Jiu-Jitsu teachers out there who hold the best interests of their students at heart.

I have been blessed to meet many such instructors. 

At the end of the day, Jiu-Jitsu should make you feel empowered. Even if you’re getting your butt handed to you every day, you are doing something to better yourself. 

You are becoming stronger, tougher. You’re pushing your body and mind to your limits, and that’s something to celebrate. Remember that, no matter what anyone else says, this is your journey. 

You get to decide what your goals are and how you want to pursue them. Don’t let anyone tell you differently. You get to choose to surround yourself with people who make you feel powerful. 

You get to surround yourself with people who believe in you and want to help you be the best you can be. 

Jiu-Jitsu allows me to surround myself with people who are pushing me to be better every day. Jiu-Jitsu made me confident. It made me feel confident in my own skin, and made me start looking people in the eyes. 

It made me confident in my ability to defend myself. It showed me that I was capable of more than I ever imagined. Jiu-Jitsu taught me that my body is beautiful, not for the way it looks, but because of what it can do. 

You are strong. 

You are powerful. 

You’ve got this

An Once of Prevention, proudly presented to you by Yoga For BJJ. 

Written by Nikki Sullivan


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