Yoga For BJJ Online Teacher Training || Frequently Asked Questions

 Yoga For BJJ Online Teacher Training Level 1 - Frequently Asked Questions

People have been asking many great questions about our Yoga For BJJ Online Teacher Training. So I made a cup of coffee, sat down and began answering all the most commonly asked questions. 
You may be wondering about some of these questions, or none of them. 
Either way it's an informative and entertaining read. 

Do I have to be flexible to be a Yoga For BJJ Instructor?

The short, sweet, and simple answer is ‘no’. 

Once you register for the Yoga For BJJ Teacher Training, you’ll start your homework right away (keep in mind a lot of the homework is yoga). This course is not just about ‘being flexible’, it is also about what you teach and how you teach it. The concept of ‘body bias’ is also discussed, where one person can do certain poses while another person will struggle in them, simply due to how their body is. 

So there are a lot of elements within this question: Do I have to be flexible to be a Yoga For BJJ Instructor, but the short and sweet is ‘no’. You just need to be willing to learn and willing to put the work in and we will guide you through the process to get you where you need to be to make you a confident instructor. 

Do I need experience to be a Yoga For BJJ Instructor?

It is nice to have some yoga experience, having said that it is not necessary by any means.  

Part of our process for you is to give you the experience you need to become an effective instructor. 

We can draw a parallel with BJJ. 

In BJJ a student starting out can learn a million different things, from foundational concepts to fancy techniques. 

The question is, what are the best things for the student to learn at the beginning to make their BJJ effective? Let’s leave the flying armbars and x-guard for later, and teach the basic positions and submissions. 

Learning the right things at the right times makes all the difference. 

The process of this teacher training has been carefully laid out in a specific way to build foundational concepts and the understanding of what will create an effective Yoga For BJJ Level 1 instructor. Not just what to teach, but also how to teach, and why we are teaching it. This training has step by step breakdowns of warmups, cool downs and full classes. We also move through teaching physiology, classroom management, and a lot more. Then in the live sessions we have structured discussions on lectures that have been read through the online curriculum. 

To sum up what I just babbled about. If you have some experience, great. If you don’t, we will provide it for you. Our job is the process, your job is to show up ready to put the work and time in. 

Do I need to be a blue belt to be a Yoga For BJJ Instructor?

If is beneficial if you are a blue belt, but you don’t have to be. If you aren’t a blue belt send Sarah an email at and you can apply to be in the course as a lower ranking. We have had many white belts successfully graduate and become an instructor, so don’t hesitate to email. Sarah doesn’t bite, not after her coffee anyways. 

How many hours does the course entail?

As usual, this question has a few different answers. 

The online curriculum has over 20 hours of learning. Having said that, this is why you receive lifetime access to the online curriculum. You won’t need to do all 20 hours before the live course, but you will need to do 75% of it. Part of the homework is the yoga practice of the warmups, cool downs and full classes you will be learning to teach, moving through the breakdowns of each pose, and reading through the lectures in the online curriculum (these are fascinating and will make you think!). 

The homework and prep work has been specifically designed so that it is almost impossible to cram it in right before the course. Almost. If you need to cram you can, but we prefer for you to take 3-4 weeks to do the homework. The purpose of this is to integrate the homework into every day so you have time to learn and process all the layers. This is another reason why we close registration for the courses 3 weeks before the live course. Because we need our trainees to have quality in completing their homework, otherwise they will not be able to keep up in the live course. We want our trainees to enjoy the process, and the learning. If the homework is done properly and the trainees prepare properly, the live course is a phenomenal experience (just like anything in life really). 

What does it look like after I graduate? 

So, you have received your certificate. Now what? We have a whole section in the online curriculum on ‘business’, to guide you in the next steps.

Having said that, a lot of people that take this certification already have an academy for them to teach at - however if you don’t, it's not hard to find one. Yoga for BJJ is highly sought after from BJJ enthusiasts because it is so important for injury prevention, increased flexibility, and better performance and recovery. 

It is honestly a major element that balances BJJ. 

For us that absolutely adore BJJ, even too much of a good thing has diminishing returns if not done with proper balance (such as too much sleep, too much coffee, too much cake, too much of anything). But, if what we love (BJJ for example) is balanced with what our BJJ needs, then we will be training for a long and have a good time doing it.

We have a community of hundreds of Yoga For BJJ instructors across the world. We post, chat, ask questions and share successes, challenges, advice and opinions. Within this community you also have the staff of Yoga for BJJ who are black belts in Jiu-Jitsu, and who hold some the highest level of official yoga training on the planet. 

Ready to learn more? Well, that’s what the Yoga For BJJ Level 2 training is for. Level 2 training differs from the Level 1 training because now, we can start having some fun. Level 1 training was to introduce your foundations (like the positions of BJJ, the basic submissions, etc). Level 2 training is where we start to teach some de la riva guard, rubber guard for example (whatever tickles your fancy as a BJJ analogy). We start digging into the deeper layers of practice, style and methodology. 

The upcoming course dates don’t work for me…But I want to do the course

We have options for you! You can still purchase the course and begin working your way through the homework to prep for the next live course. 

Do you need to start teaching right away? We have options for that too! Shoot Sarah an email at with your questions, or you can set up a virtual coffee chat during zoom and figure out the best options for you. 

Can I do this course for self-development?

A lot of people do this course for self-development. The homework itself is designed to bring any individual to the next level, through the structure of the homework you will have to do yoga (and inevitably) will enjoy all the benefits that provides. Whether you are looking for injury prevention, increased flexibility, increased range of motion, feeling better on the mats during wrestling, better recovery - all that good stuff. You will also develop the skillset of being able to teach if you ever want to in the future. This skillset is good for others, but also for your own learning on deeper levels. Having the ability to break down the warmups, cool downs and full classes verbally in an effective way allows you to understand and perform them - better. 

Having said that, we have had many graduates who took the training for their own self-development and began teaching. No pressure, what you do with your training is up to you. 

But, sometimes some things are just too good to keep to ourselves. 

Success right out of the gates. 
Yoga For BJJ is something pretty much anyone can do. Many academy owners have implemented this program into their schedule with great success. Whether a student is a high level athlete that needs to stretch, or if a student is injured watching on the sidelines - many times they can still participate in the class. Or maybe a parent that doesn’t do BJJ, but wants to stretch and move can still participate in the Yoga For BJJ class. There’s lots of options outside of just the BJJ crowd that this will attract. 

This program isn’t just for BJJ people. 

The warmups, classes, and cool downs are designed for people who need to move, and stretch. Let’s leave all the fancy yoga mumbo jumbo and crazy backbends at the door, and simply teach Yoga For BJJ classes that are good for pretty much everyone. 

Because quite often there are common weaknesses and common movement patterns that martial art athletes (and other athletes too, such as cross fit, runners, etc) that need to be balanced. 

Such as strengthening in certain areas of the blackbody, lengthening and strengthening the hamstrings, connectively of movement through yoga flows, breathing with movement, and so much more. 

Basically, this is like the vegetables for the body. Some vegetables athletes like, some they hate - but they are important. We eat vegetables (aka, do Yoga for BJJ), so we can do what we love to do (BJJ for example) for better, and for longer (not just adding hours onto a training session, but years of longevity onto our sport). 

Will I be an official Yoga Instructor?

This answer might be longer than you think but it is important to understand. 

This training will certify you to teach Yoga For BJJ to BJJ people (or other martial artists or athletes who need it). The warmups, cool downs, full classes are very carefully sequenced and laid out to prevent injuries in students and guarantee success. The full classes are hard but they are also a lot of fun - designed to make someone feel like they just had a BJJ class. There is structure within this certificate. Some people stick with just this certification, as it may be all you need. Some people continue their training. 

An official yoga instructor completes what is called a '200 Hour Training'. Even more than that, they can register themselves to be ‘Alliance Certified’. 

Time out: What is Alliance? Yoga Alliance is governing body that has standards, and once a person or their training is registered with Yoga Alliance it shows they have met the standards. 

Yoga Alliance does not certify teachers or teacher trainings (Yoga Alliance does not put people or schools through trainings). A school can apply to register their program with Yoga Alliance in order to indicate that they have met Yoga Alliance standards. Once approved, the school then becomes and "RYS" - registered yoga school. Then, their graduates can register with Yoga Alliance as an "RYT" - registered yoga teacher. 

Side note: In my humble personal opinion, these standards are not easy to meet. Which means you'll be getting the best of the best. 

Time back in: It all depends on what you want to do. If you simply want to teach Yoga For BJJ to BJJ athletes, then the Yoga For BJJ Certification will be enough for you. I honestly have never met a student on the BJJ mats that cares I am certified with Yoga Alliance, all they care about is the experience they had on the mats. 

If you are looking to become an official yoga instructor, then we can look into the 200 hour training. 

The 200 hour training touches all the foundations of yoga. From history, to poses, to sequencing, and a lot more. 

This is the biggest difference of Yoga For BJJ Level 1 training and an official yoga instructor:  

In our Yoga For BJJ Level 1 training we give you exactly what you need to teach, effectively. How to teach Yoga For BJJ to BJJ people. 

The official 200 Hour Yoga Instructor Training teaches you everything. If you are looking to teach yoga to all types of people an enhance your skillset, this is for you. 

Having said all that, we are currently working on our own 200 hour Yoga Teacher Training that will be released in 2022. The process of being approved by Yoga Alliance is an extensive one, so you know the standards met, and material taught will be of the best standards. 

Click here for more information on our upcoming 200 hour official yoga teacher training

What do I recommend?

I recommend doing exactly what I did (and many others within the community) to begin my yoga instructing journey.

Start with the Yoga For BJJ Level 1 training. This will give you an idea of what you want to do for the next step. 

Do you want to proceed with the Yoga for BJJ Level 2 training? 

Or do you want to proceed with the 200 hour official Yoga Training?

Or do you want to do both?

More questions? 

If you have more questions make sure to email me and I would be happy to chat with you to answer them. My passion comes from seeing how much the Yoga For BJJ Level 1 trainings has helped people individually and seeing how much this has impacted Academies in such a positive way. 

I’ll admit…I’m biased, but this training is never a bad idea. 

A one time investment for a skillet you’ll have for the rest of your life, and if you keep working at it, it’ll only become become better. 

Whether you want to refine the skills and everything you learn in the Level 1 training, or if you want to continue onto more trainings. It all depends on what you want to do, and how you want to do it. 

If you have more questions for me, shoot me an email at, or facebook message us, or instagram message us, or send us a snail mail letter, or send us a message via pigeon - but please, just do one of those and not all of those with the same question. I’ll get back to you I promise. 

Looking forward to either chatting with you, or meeting you one day (maybe both!)

For more information on the teacher training click here



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