3 Reasons why you need to warmup for BJJ

3 Reasons why you need to warmup for BJJ

warmup for bjj

Transitioning the body and mind properly from the day onto the mats properly
will allow you to get the most out of your training session. 

  1. Prepare the body to move

In our experience most of the time we go from not moving much (maybe we came to Jiu Jitsu from work), to asking our body to do everything it is capable of doing (as we wrestle, drill, move, escape, attack). 

There needs to be a transition period for the body to be properly warmed up.  Introducing the body to the movements we do in BJJ, balance the repetitive movements we do in BJJ, get the blood flowing, increase flexibility, and strengthen areas that are commonly left behind (such as the lower back). 

  1. Prepare the mind to focus

So much happens in everyday life that by the time we hit the Jiu-Jitsu mats our minds are buzzing - it’s a busy world. Taking a moment at the beginning of the training session to take a deep breath and focus makes all the difference. It allows the mind to clear and focus on the present.

  1. Reduce injuries and get the most out of your training session

Have you ever heard someone say (or even said yourself): “I’m injured because I didn’t warmup properly? Reduce injuries by properly preparing the body and mind for the training sessions.

The warmup can be the most important part of your training, doing it correctly makes all the difference. 

If you are interested in learning more about proper warmups for BJJ, click here for more information on our Yoga For BJJ Teacher Training Course Level 1 (for yourself or to teach others). 

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