Yoga Academy Teacher Trainings

 Yoga Academy Teacher Trainings...

bjj instructor

If you are wondering if you should become a yoga instructor (whether it is a Yoga For BJJ Instructor or an official Yoga Instructor) that is a good question. 

If you are reading this blog post wondering about the above question...Then answer is more than likely 'YES!'. 

Why is that? 

Perhaps you are wanting to deepen your own knowledge and practice, learn something new, maybe even teach and help others - giving back to your community through yoga.

Often I hear of people who miss out on amazing opportunities because they don't know if they are 'ready'.

 A great metaphor for this is: someone who does not go to gym because they need to 'get into shape first'. The purpose of the gym is to get them into shape. 

Seems a little ridiculous, doesn't it?

Missing the entire point - that the purpose of the gym is to get them into shape. Therefore, they missed out on the goal of getting into shape, feeling better emotionally and physically, and even inspiring others to do the same. 

The concept: A person never feels ready, and the timing will never be perfect. But if it's not your job to feel ready, it's our job to make you ready. Perhaps you are more ready than you think. 

Think of these teacher trainings as a boot camp - you head into the training having completed your homework and unsure of what to expect. You leave the training a confident instructor having joined a community of likeminded individuals from all over the world. 

Okay. So what are these  Yoga Academy Teacher Trainings all about?

Yoga for BJJ Teacher Training Level 1 
BJJ Teacher Training Level 1

This training has been designed for Jiu-Jitsu people to teach Jiu-Jitsu people Yoga For BJJ. 

You will learn how to teach proper warmups, cool downs and full classes. This training is phenomenal because it's been carefully crafted and designed to create confident instructors - who can teach to any type of athlete to reduce injuries and improve performance on the mats. We request that you have a blue belt (if you don't, email to apply), and some yoga experience. But the bulk of the experience and training will be through our education platofmr that you will move through. 

This experience has been called 'life changing' more than once. A once time investment that returns many, many times over. 

With this training you will receive:

* Lifetime access to the curriculum platform

* A year access to

* An official Yoga for BJJ rashguard

Click here for Frequently Asked Questions 

Click here for more information and upcoming dates of ONLINE and IN PERSON

Yoga for BJJ Teacher Training Level 2

bjj instructor

The Level 1 training is to get you started from A to B, a step by step process.
The idea is to get you comfortable teaching as an instructor, build confidence and to give you the experience you need within a safe framework. 

The level 2 really is that next level of training and we want to progress your development as an instructor.
It is not something you ‘check off your list’ or ‘complete’, but something you grow into, and evolves with you over time. Level 2 course is the equivalent of getting your blue belt in BJJ, you have the foundations - and begin finding your training, teaching style and crafting your game together. 

Click here for more information and upcoming dates of ONLINE and IN PERSON

The Yoga Experience 

200 hour Alliance Certified Teacher Training

This training will make you an official Yoga Alliance Yoga Instructor. Giving you an overview and foundational understanding of everything you need to know to become an effective yoga instructor. From learning history and philosophy of yoga, to anatomy, sequencing, pose breakdowns and so much more. This is an experience like none other - and will change your life. 

*You might ask what the difference is between the Yoga for BJJ Level 1 and Level 2, and this 200 hour training? The Yoga for BJJ Level 1 and Level 2 are designed to teach Yoga to BJJ people. The 200 hour is designed to equip you with the tools to teach Yoga to everyone. So depending on what your goals are - we have something for everyone. 


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